
Bird Netting for Sale – Hex Mesh Bird Wire 13mm


Bird Netting – 50m x 180cm

0.56mm and a small hexagon aperture of 13mm

Tiered Pricing



    This versatile wire, comes in a range of sizes, and has an array of uses:

    Customers have used this product for vermin barriers, bird enclosures and even craft!  This easy to shape wire means that you can mould it to suit your design.




    Hexagonal Aviary Mesh Wire Specs:

    • 13mm (1/2″) hex aperture
    • Wire diameter is 0.56mm for light duty applications
    • This product is made from galvanised steel wire.  This helps to provide strength and additional protection from the weather.


    The supplier recommends prior to using new galvanised wire mesh in pet cages & aviaries, the wire be treated to remove excess zinc that could possibly harm the pets.   To do this, carefully shave off any zinc spikes with a utility knife. The mesh should then be scrubbed with a mild solution of vinegar (2 cups in a bucket of water), and rinsed with clean water.

    We stock bird netting in 5 different heights, for your convenience:

    CodeProduct NameLength (m)Height (cm)Aperture (cm)FinishWire Diameter (mm)
    10432Bird Netting50301.3Galvanised0.56
    10434Bird Netting50601.3Galvanised0.56
    10435Bird Netting50901.3Galvanised0.56
    10436Bird Netting501201.3Galvanised0.56
    10437Bird Netting501801.3Galvanised0.56


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